Outpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation

Get At Home Drug Rehab Programs With No Disruption To Your Life.

Outpatient Drug Treatment, Right Where You Need It

You Can Attend your Outpatient Counselling Sessions in Our Vancouver Office.

Highly Personalised Counselling and Rehab Options

Our intensive outpatient program offers someone struggling with alcohol or drug addiction a chance to address their illness without having a significant interruption to their life. This intensive outpatient program offers a highly confidential environment so clients can comfortably engage in the therapeutic process. This individualized approach allows an opportunity to identify the underlying factors that trigger the substance use. With this awareness we can assist our clients in the creation of a personally tailored treatment plan. We accomplish all of this incredibly important work in the privacy of one-on-one counselling sessions. So, there are no groups or other clients to interfere with the individual’s therapeutic experience. This intensive highly personalized approach allows our clients to have the best possibility of success.

Every outpatient treatment clients will work through all therapeutic aspects of the program with the same addiction counsellor. This continuity of care provides our clients the opportunity to develop strong therapeutic rapport and trust with their counsellor. Therapeutic rapport is a major factor in positive treatment outcomes, and our clients’ success is always our priority.

Creating Stable Recovery in Your Own Environment

By going to an inpatient addiction treatment center you will stabilize in a foreign environment. This means that once you leave the safety and security of the treatment center and return home, you will destabilize very quickly. In the outpatient program we will create an at home drug rehab treatment program strategy aimed at build stabilized recovery in your own home. Because once you are stabilized in your own environment the post-treatment destabilization factor is minimized. Taking every opportunity to lessen the impact of this disease makes the recovery process much easier to implement and maintain.  Therefore, time and money are not wasted. Although you cannot put a price on saving a loved one’s life from the fatal effects of alcoholism and drug addiction, we strive to ensure that the quality of care outweighs any cost.

Tailored Outpatient Services for Individual Needs

This outpatient service will be tailored directly to your needs.

Through the process of multidimensional analysis your clinician will identify the underlying physical and psychological disturbances that are leading to the alcohol or drug abuse. Once these underlying disturbances are identified the clinician will work one-on-one with you to develop a treatment plan. The treatment plan will outline the therapeutic direction as well as which therapies will be utilized. We primarily focus on the use of evidence-based therapies as they show the best clinical results. However, we will utilize the best approach for any given individual.  Our Counselors have been trained and educated in several addiction rehab modalities. With over 2 decades of experience and exposure to new addiction treatment methods, you will be given the exact treatment program that best suits you. Each person who enters our outpatient rehab is unique and therefore the approach is personally customized.

An essential aspect of this program is the fact that our clients can maintain the functional parts of their lives while at the same time accessing the treatment they need to recover.

Jeffery Norell


Addiction Medicine & Withdrawal Management

How Our Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program will Address Withdrawal Management

Depending on the amount of alcohol and/or drugs being used it is critical to have medical support during the withdrawal phase. Withdrawal can be incredibly dangerous to manage on your own and can be a significant reason a person leaves treatment.  For this reason we ensure that there is a safe withdrawal management plan in place.  It is in our experience that minimizing the pain and suffering during withdrawal is crucial to the addiction rehab process.  Addiction medicine can also provide the option of medication-assisted therapies, such as Disulfiram, and Naltrexone for alcohol use, and Suboxone or Sublocade for opioid use. Medication-assisted therapy is not for everyone. However, in the early stages of recovery, it can go a long way towards overcoming the urges and cravings associated with substance abuse. Allowing you the opportunity to comfortably focus your attention on the other therapeutic aspects of the outpatient rehab program.

Pacific Interventions also provides urinalysis and breathalyzer testing randomly or upon request throughout the outpatient program. Having this testing done can alleviate the fears and concerns the family members may be experiencing. The resulting transparency can have a huge impact on restoring trust in strained relationships. In the beginning of the recovery process it is always important to be focused on establishing trust. However, in recovery trust is earned through actions not just words. Therefore, the definitive urinalysis and breathalyzer testing results make it clear that your loved one is on the right track.

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Center Counselling Staff

Our certified addiction counsellors have a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing practical solutions to the underlying physical and psychological challenges you’ll face in early recovery. The addiction counsellor’s role is to assist you in identifying and resolving intrusive cognitive patterns and behavior. In the outpatient alcohol rehab center we utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), and other treatment modalities as an essential part of the program. With these therapies, you will learn to manage not only your triggers, urges, and cravings for alcohol or drugs, but you’ll also be able to take charge of your psychological well-being. Empowered with these copying strategies you will reduce stress and feel more comfortable in your recovery.

The addiction counsellor will also assist you in creating a balanced lifestyle. A lifestyle that includes connecting to therapeutic community-based organizations such as SMART Recovery, 12 Step Fellowships, and healthy recreation communities like gyms, yoga, sports, etc. In addition we will look to ensure the clients in the outpatient rehab program are getting a balanced nutritional intake. As we know food plays a huge role in our overall wellness, but it is even more important to those who are recovering from months of years of alcohol or drug abuse.  Ultimately, your addiction rehabilitation process will be all encompassing.  Providing you with a holistic and multi-dimensional treatment program.

Holistic and Multi-Dimensional Treatment Programs

Action-orientated therapy goes beyond simply theorizing or discussing a certain situation a client is dealing with. The counsellor actually steps in the support the client as they start to implement these lifestyle changes. For example, in a typical session a client may discuss with their counsellor a difficulty they are having with body image.

This difficulty has manifested into a significant level of fear of going to exercise at a gym. As a result the client becomes stuck in this pattern. Just discussing solutions in the safety of the office and then encouraging the client to overcome their fear by going to the gym can often not be enough resolve this challenge. In the action oriented therapy model the clinician would actually attend the gym with this client.

Supporting the client as they walk through the most difficult part of the fear and begin to develop self-confidence. Having this support at that critical time can do a lot to help the client end the pattern of procrastination and fear that has stopped them from moving forward with improving the quality of their life.

This example outlines how an addiction counsellor works to do much more than just theorize about solving problems.  Assisting a client while taking action steps can make a big impact on their success in the outpatient program.

Our Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Center & at Home Drug Rehab Programs Employs Highly Qualified & Experienced Addiction Counsellors


Along with addiction comes many deep-rooted psychological disturbances; inevitably, these disturbances lead to the destructive patterns of alcohol and/or drug abuse, so they must be addressed. These disturbances can stem from a variety of causes, such as trauma, stress, abuse, grief, despair, depression or anxiety. Furthermore, these types of challenges require a specialized level of skill and personal one-on-one care to overcome. That is precisely where the counsellors, Jeffrey Norell and Vince Pirozzi come in. Their ability to gently guide you through a process of discovery and healing allows for the decompression of built-up psychological pressure. The release of this immense emotional pressure often opens life up to new possibilities and a sense of hope for the future. Addiction tears people down so it is important that recovery builds people up, and this is one of the primary focuses of the counsellor at this phase of the at home drug rehab programs.

Freedom from addiction is possible when you receive the proper care.

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Client Personal Case Management

You may be feeling nervous and scared, and your life may be going in a direction you don’t want, but all is not lost. We know all to well the importance of quickly accessing an alcohol and/or drug rehab center. When someone is willing to get help, help must be available right away. If it takes weeks or months to access treatment that individual’s willingness could be lost, and once lost there is no way of knowing if it will ever return. This is one of the harsh realities of this disease. Therefore, it is very important to us that the client be able to access our at home drug treatment programs as quickly as possible. A new client can start in our outpatient program within a day or two. We can ensure a recovery coach is in contact with the invidual immediately to help guide through the process.  This rapid access to an addiction rehab program makes it possible to utilize the individual’s current level of willingness to the maximum benefit. Again, every advantage must be capitalized on to give the individual the best chance of recovering from this life-threatening illness.

The founder and creator of the Pacific Interventions outpatient alcohol rehab center Jeffery Norell personally supervises each client’s treatment. Jeffery Norell has assisted hundreds of individuals to overcome the very challenges they are facing right now. His personal commitment to providing the best quality at home drug treatment program translates into the most personalized and therapeutic outpatient program available in the Metro Vancouver area.  And if you are outside the Metro Vancouver area, do not be worried!  Our Counselors are able to serve any area inside Canada.  We come to you and set forth a plan of action to ensure you can begin your addiction treatment program.


Intervention FAQ'S

Does outpatient drug rehab work?

Outpatient drug rehab absolutely works.  Just like inpatient treatment, there has to be a level of commitment by the individual.  The benefit of the outpatient program is that it is tailored to your needs as opposed to an inpatient treatment program that has one program for all clients.  A study conducted revealed that results were “consistent and similar”  Click here for the study.

How much does outpatient drug rehab cost?

Intensive outpatient addiction treatment services range from $3500-$10,000 per month. The cost depends on how often the individual attends scheduled sessions and activities.

Is there drug testing during outpatient drug treatment?

Urinalysis testing can be part of the program designed to fit your needs and the people involved in your rehabilitation. While this may not be mandatory, being under the influence of substances during sessions or activities will diminish the benefits of the services.

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