Knowing what to say during an intervention and how to convey it!

For years, families have reached out to us asking the common question; “what do we say during an intervention?”  The best practice is to have a professional guide provide you with the proper intervention help during this process.  When family members perform a dependant intervention the best course of action is to follow some basic guidelines.  The sensitive nature of a drug addiction requires the ability to keep the focus on how much you care and want the addicted person to get better.

If you are going to perform an intervention on your own, then we suggest that you keep these points in mind.

  • the goal of an intervention is for the addict to accept furthur help such as outpatient or inpatient drug rehab
  • the substance abuse is a coping mechanism for something deeper the person is experiencing
  • non-confrontational communication

Key points to keep in mind during an intervention

The more you can prepare for a drug intervention, the more it will increase your success at getting that individual to accept the help you are offering.

  • prepare a script prior which also allows you to stay on topic
  • tone of voice and body language mean as much or more than the words conveyed
  • make sure they know that you love them and care about their health and well-being
  • In a rational and loving way explain your concerns about how their addiction is affecting them and you
  • make sure you have researched possible post intervention options such as detox, drug rehab programs, outpatient addiction counselling
  • be prepared for resistance to your statements and concerns
  • be firm in implementing a solution, have your boundaries firmly set and keep them

Things that can hinder an addiction intervention

There are so many things that can go wrong during an intervention, especially if you are not trained in the intervention process.  This can be a highly volitile situation at times so knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do.

  • blaming and being defensive will end an intervention usually immediately
  • not having proper information ready to convey in a meaningful way
  • being stuck in the problems instead of addressing the solutions
  • emotional reactions to the addicted persons responses
  • attacking the individual
  • being to lenient with the individuals objections
  • trying to perfom an intervention when the person is heavily intoxicated or already angry and defensive

It has been our experience that most family led interventions do not turn out well.  This is not for lack of care or trying.  This is usually because even though the family has done some research, thier own history with the addicted person trickles into the intervention process, causing people to act on emotions.  Thus, a trianed addiction specialist is always the better way to approach a loved one suffering from substance abuse.  That being said, we encourage you to educate yourself about interventions and not to give up hope.  Feel free to contact us for a free consultation on how to approach  addiction and speak with trained interventionists.